9 places to go for content inspiration
Stuck for content? Here are 9 places you can go to get inspired.
They’re relevant to both product & service based brands.
Hot tip: keep a little notes page or google doc (whatever works for you) on your phone, so that you can add any content ideas that *pop* into your head at random hours. Mine often happen late at night or when I'm going for my morning stroll 🌞
01. Think of your own past questions & struggles.
Chances are that others have had them too AND what them answered.
02. Podcast Episodes Titles
There are sooo many. And if you rank them by most popular, you'll be able to see what everyone really wants to hear about.
03. Your past content that performed best.
We're all about reusing & repurposing here at WM.
04. FAQs from your own & your competitor's websites.
It's sometimes the simplest of topics that get the most response.
05. Scroll back through your IG Saves. (I mean right back)
We save things for a reason. And a lot of time we forget about what we save. You could be sitting on some gold nugget ideas in there.
06. Magazine Articles
It could just be the structure of the article or the catchy tagline that's been used that inspires you.
07. Book Chapters
Go back to your favourite books from your industry. The chapter names could spark some great ideas.
08. Your Website Analytics
What pages are getting the most views? THIS is proof of what your audience is loving. Of course you should focus on it.
09. answerthepublic.com
This tool allows you to type in a word or phrase to see what common questions are searched surrounding that word/s.